Firewalls in the Data Center

As attacks have become more sophisticated and widespread, BTInet has gone beyond security and focus on our data center.  Our admins are not afraid to secure our networks.

Data Center Firewalls must…Firewall-Juniper

Handle – the connections when a user first opens the application

Maintain – connections as long as the user is within the application

Analyze – all content of every application object, looking for prohibited content and potential threats

You can rest easy knowing that you’re not alone in taking care of the security of your data.  BTInet has 24×7 monitoring and support provided by our Juniper Certified Security Specialists.  With our managed firewall services we protect your servers, applications and data.

About BTInet
Server hosting, Linux, Windows, Sun, Solaris, Dedicated servers, virtual private servers, firewalls, internet service provider, exchange, oracle, SQL server

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